Monday, November 17, 2008

Doctor Visit!

So we had our Doctor visit last Friday, and were really hoping to find out the gender of our little baby.  Well the doctor checked it out and said that there is definately something between the legs!  But then she went on to say that at this stage sometimes girls tail bones grow out straight and then start to curve under.  So we either saw a tail bone, or a little boy.  It's still a little early to tell.  We will have to wait until our Dec. 17th visit to find out. Stay tuned! 


Amy C. said...

yea for babies and yea for blogs. Can't wait to catch up. Thanks for the address.

Amy said...

lol, that must be so frustrating! I always want to know the gender as soon as possible. :)

I love the family picture you added! That is so fun and cute.

RATCH said...

I am so excited for you guys! I am glad that you put your blog address on the family site because it is so much fun to see what you are up to.

Bill and Emily Grant said...

Wow! That's fun to be able to have more ultrasounds... My Dr. doesn't do them until half way through, or if there is a problem.

It will be fun if you guys have a little boy! There sure have been a a lot of girls lately, and I'm sure Joel would have a lot of fun with a mini Joel around!

Either way, we are excited for you! Yay for babies!

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Wow how exciting!!