Thursday, July 3, 2008

Getting started!

So I have decided to start a blog.... obviously.  I'm not really into this yet, so bare with me.  I will try and keep this updated with thing that me and my cute family are doing.  My sweet little girl, Lizzie, is now one year old.  I can't believe how fast time flies.  I've learned to cherish the small moments, because they are the most special.  A simple smile from her cute face can change your whole day.  Joel is busy with work.  I really appreciate all that he does for our family.  I'm grateful that he works so hard so that I can be a stay-at-home mom.  By the way, being a mom is the best job ever!  I love it!  I am also a Lia Sophia advisor.... that's a jewelry company.   So if anyone is interested in hosting a party.... I have to give myself a plug!   Anyway I hope y'all enjoy our blog!


Scott said...

I'm glad you're starting a blog. It's so much fun to hear about people's lives like this.

PrincessKatie said...

Hey I foudn your blog through scott adn mandas. Glad to see you are starting a blog. I will be checking back soon. I hope you are doing well.

Amy said...

Hey Katie, I saw that you started a blog. I think it's a really fun way to keep in touch. I look forward to hearing about you and your cute family. :)